Wednesday, 1 June 2016

THANK YOU for the music!

THANK YOU for the music!

It was a very nice surprise.

At the shopping mall KVADRAT on a sunny day.


  1. You have to love these little surprises Gunn, especially musical ones :)

  2. Bonjour,

    Une belle capture et je comprends votre agréable surprise... J'ai ressenti la même chose au Cauder Waterfront à Port-Louis, Île Maurice. Il y avait un pianiste qui an rendu si charmants les lieux...
    Très jolie photo.

    Gros bisous ♡

  3. Music, most of the time, makes everything more enjoyable.

  4. I love to hear music in public. We once had the public pianos in Toronto. They were fun!

  5. I love to play my ocarina in public for the people passing. Nice photo!

  6. Hello, the music is nice! Great shot! Have a happy day!

  7. An unusual setting for a piano. There's one in our city hall for anyone to come play.

  8. Nordstrom is a high end department store in America. Until a few years ago, their larger stores had a grand piano in the center with a well dressed pianist playing. I was sorry to see those pianos and pianists go away.

  9. Our Britta could have played some fine tunes on that piano! Bravo! Encore!
    Hilsen fra Hagen
