Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Kampen Art Festival.

I asked a woman who worked outside this florist shop about the tree, and she told me about the project. KAMPEN KUNSTFESTIVAL
I have to say "well done" and also "smart" to the way they advertise the local art festival.
Kampen is an area in Stavanger.


  1. Cool idea, would work also good in Winter in order to protect the trees from the frost :)
    Funny and colorful pic, Gunn !

  2. Very clourful yarn bomb! I like the flowers at the base of the tree. My wife loves this. She's known to yarn bomb a few places herself :)

  3. A clever way of advertising for the festival.

  4. I like this a lot; especially all the colors. It's an attention-getter and I guess that's the point.

  5. I like this kind of thing. In moderation, of course. (And, YES, it is my photo . . . with very few exceptions, they are always my photo unless I have something from a guest photographer and say that.)
