Tuesday, 19 April 2016

There is a new girl on the beach.

There is a new girl on the beach... I remember her from Tou Scene.
Stencil-artist Therese Refvik from Stavanger is the artist, who also is the one who did the art, shown in yesterdays posting.
More info. on tref.no


  1. One might say these children are more or less permanent residents. :-)

  2. I love this and yesterday's art Gunn, I immediately thought of Banksy.. I'm always keeping my eyes open for pieces like this in Perth.

  3. I love these new works. Really nice murals!

  4. This and yesterday's stencils are very nice - well done!

  5. Beautiful street art, both this little girl and the others you posted the day before. They truly enlighten this ugly concrete surface. Where sometimes you feel ugly graphs degradate buildings, this is quite the opposite, it's truly beautiful. Do you think it's a private initiative or it might have been at the request of the city council or something?

  6. She looks like Queen Elizabeth when she was a girl.
