Monday, 15 February 2016

Wind energy.

From the window up in the plane, not that far from the airport, I suddenly saw something I have not seen before.

Well, I have seen it in the newspapers, but I can´t say that I had read more than the heading.

So, I googled and found out that there are things happening nearby that are quite impressive. Take a look at this:

(This is Høg-Jæren Energipark.)

Perhaps it is common in many other countries?


  1. Wind energy is great. We have some here in Ireland and some people complain about the noise and where they are placed. Change is hard for some who still want everything the way it is :(

  2. Nice shot, this is something I did not saw here around Bergen. Probably because the mountain terrain is too difficult for it. Greetings.

  3. Here, too, although there are still questions surrounding the environmental impact

  4. Aha. Living in the flatlands (on another continent), I don't have to go far to see these...and though I know people who are worried about noise and the roads needed to build and maintain them, it seems a bettr alternative than the things we already have for power generation. If there were no electricity, I couldn't see your interesting photos! Thanks again....

  5. I know there are some who don't like them but I think they are brilliant, I mean why wouldn't we want to use natural clean energy? We have some big windfarms here I'm very pleased to say.

  6. We've got plenty of wind farms around Germany. Like these pictures of yours from above. :)

  7. They're around here too. My concern has been for the placement in terms of migratory birds.

  8. Germany is going crazy for wind power. I think it is a big risk to the reliability of the power grid. And the blades act like bird Cuisinarts.

  9. We have some here in France too but unfortunatly my country is still counting too much on fossil fuels (well, that's only my opinion).
    I've also seen a loooot of those wind turbines in Scotland.
