Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Fur or no fur......

I heard a young woman saying that she wanted to boycott a shop where they were selling clothes, because some of the clothes had fur.

So now I keep looking around, and I guess there are quite a few shops that might be boycotted by her.


  1. There are a few fur shops in Berlin. I walk by one sometimes, but I've never seen any customers in there.

  2. There are a couple of fur shops here. Strangely, whenever I pass by them, they seem empty of customers.

  3. I do not like furs, but I do not see why someone can't buy one...

  4. I think fur is becoming more and more unpopular all over the world.

  5. That's the trouble with boycotts. They can become more trouble than they're worth! :)

  6. I thought fur went out of fashion years ago...but not living in a cold country I have no use for fur either!
    Not too fond of it either.
