Monday, 13 July 2015




  1. Colourfully dressed for a street person, though admittedly not all of them are homeless.

  2. We have quite a number of people from Eastern Europe, who come here as tourists and sit and beg.
    I don`t think she is homeless, most of them have their homes and their kids looked after by someone back home. It is expensive to travel to Norway, so very often these trips are organised and they probably have to pay a share to the driver of the van.

    Click on beggars under the image, and you will find more photos.

  3. Hmmm... too many here around, a common view... sad...

  4. We have also these poor people.

  5. She's better "connected" than I am. :-)

  6. Shamelessly organized, they are everywhere...

  7. My understanding, is that a lot of thess things are organized.. like a business..
    Do I give to beggars? rarely! The problem for me, is knowing how the money is used.. in some cases you can be helping to perpetuate a problem, in others you could be giving money to the people behind it (not the people you think you are helping). Neither of things is help!

    When I give money, I tend to give to organizations that are in the position to actually help people. I also like to know that the organizations I give to, have low administrative costs (ie. a good percentage of the money that I give actually goes to doing something constructive).

    Hmm.. said more than I was going to, but bottom line, helping people is a good thing, but you need to be sure that are ACTUALLY helping.
    (my opinion)
