Sunday, 24 May 2015

Tourists from Wales.

Yesterday, Gabrielle (on the left), and Ann-Marie, were lucky with the weather.
They had a nice walk up the mountain to the famous PULPIT ROCK.

Sporty young women from Newport in Wales!

Plenty of rain today, but that did not stop them from having a look around the city.

I asked were they were staying, and they told me about the hotel at the hospital!
To me that sounds a bit strange, but they are not the first tourist to tell me about it.

What I found amusing was that they had had breakfast with 11 new born babies,
and their mums:)

They found Norway very expensive,
and told me about the cost of a taxi ride from the airport to the hotel!!

I can assure everyone that most of us here think that taking a taxi is very expensive!


  1. That will be a hotel stay to remember. :-)

  2. Thank you for taking this great photo of us both and it was lovely to meet you! Gabrielle :)

  3. I have of course heard of Pulpit Rock- I'd love to see the view from up there for myself someday!

  4. How wonderful that they can have these life adventures.

  5. Hospital...hotel sounds like an interesting combination lovey story though

  6. Well that's a new concept Gunn :) I like it! Everyone who visits Perth says it's expensive here, but I don't see it. I wonder if we just get used to prices in our own cities? When we go to Sydney I think the prices are shocking :)

  7. They do look sporty! Good luck to them. Their hospital stay sounds very interesting! And I like their friend...I hope they plan to take him along on their looking around the city!
