Tuesday, 6 January 2015

X-mas tree.

So when is it time to get rid of the X-mas tree?

(Most places the trees end up as compost.)

I have to admit that we have christmas lights out in a tree in the front garden.
Looks pretty in the dark!
The snow has gone.
We have plenty of rain and wind.
Not that cold, down here on the south west coast of Norway.


  1. When my parents lived in cottage country here, Dad would put the tree, undecorated, upright in a snowbank. It would stay upright until the snow finally started melting in April, still in good shape.

    Here in Ottawa, trees are collected and used at the Winterlude sites in February.

  2. Here in Kentucky they are being used to create fish beds in a local lake.

  3. My tree comes down tonight--tomorrow morning at the latest. My community recycles the trees.

  4. My tree came down a few days ago Gunn, I always enjoy getting things back to normal :)

  5. In Brazil, we stopped using real trees a looong time ago. We have artificial trees that we keep from one year to the others. I have a tree in a pot in my livingroom and sometimes I decorate it.

  6. We still have our (plastic) one out at work...
