Saturday, 15 November 2014

X-MAS is on it´s way.

Seriously, it is not even December yet, but the shops are full of Christmas decorations!
I walked through a shopping mall after work today, and I must have seen THOUSANDS of Father Christmas figures, some for sale and some put out as decoration.


  1. These look neat... very different from the sort we see here.

  2. Fa la la la la, la la la la! :-)

  3. Santa Claus has sent the elves from "Korvatunturi" (The home of Santa Claus, Lapland, Finland) a little early. And now the wild little elves are already making Christmas everywhere.
    Nice photo.

  4. A bit too early, but they are ready to go...

  5. Same here Gunn.. it's a bit of a shame they start so early because by the time Christmas actually comes most people are like eh! Over it :)

  6. I say, can were hold out 10 more days? Can I stuff my face with turkey first?
    "Santa, hold on!"
