Thursday, 21 August 2014


If the tourists walked towards the city centre (from yesterdays photo), they must have passed a souvenir shop, and it looks like they are selling Christmas decorations there the whole year.

Seriously, is that what tourists buy in the summer?

I guess some do, otherwise they would have packed it away, but I think that this is strange?


  1. For some people, Christmas is all year 'round.

  2. Jeg er ikke i julemodus på sommeren men det er jo artig at noen greier å jule og nisse seg hele året he he.
    Ha en fin augustkveld Gunn.

  3. I can think of 2 Christmas shops that are open year round. I love this shot.

  4. I see more year-round Christmas shops in Europe than I do in the USA. Germany has a great many wonderful Christmas shops.

  5. There is a place I've heard of in Michigan that's quite large, sells Christmas stuff all year. And there is a shop in our cottage country that sells Christmas stuff most of the year, though they do close up from mid January to April for the winter.

  6. Reminds me of No.5 ! (remember the 1986 movie 'Short Circuit !)

  7. Funny! Christmas is not so far after all...

  8. It has closed!
    I guess the place will be turned in to a bar or restaurant.....
