Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Do you use the library?

The library has changed a bit over the last  months.
It is in the culture house and has plenty of books, a good selection of
newspapers, magazines, music and films.
Are you a regular user of the things your local library can provide?


  1. Of course, I worked for 25 years as an librarian and I still visit it every week to read magazins have a chat and find some books.

  2. I am, yes. We have thirty or so branches here, and I'm in a couple of them regularly through the week.

  3. J'aime errer dans les librairies... choisir des livres, les feuilleter...

    Gros bisous ☼ ♡ ☼

  4. Hi Gunn - I use them occasionally - we have one in the town here. It has a small theatre, which is now well used and offers a range of productions, talks, music, art etc ...

    Your Stavanger one looks quite modern and would draw me in .. ours has books, magazines, a reference area etc .. I really should take time out and get someone to show me exactly what's on offer ..

    Libraries are a thing we can't lose - well I hope not ..

    Thanks for coming over - good to tie in with you - cheers Hilary

  5. Our libraries are not nearly like yours...

  6. Been a few years since I borrowed a book. I mostly buy pocket books.

  7. I am embarrassed to admit that I rarely use a library for anything beyond taking photographs. But, I do read a lot, though I buy the books. Makes little sense, does it?
