Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Sowing at Byhaugen.

Tonight I have been to a course on how to grow vegetables etc. in boxes.
There were about 20 of us on the course in the community center at Byhaugen.
A man from the ecological farm gave us a demonstration on how to do it, and some of us helped with doing the work.
A very windy and cold evening tonight. There are places where they had fresh SNOW today.


  1. I do hope you do this project on your own. I enjoy growing vegetables in summertime. Snow?! Oh dear.....

  2. Nice shot!

    Though most of our snow is gone now, we're still in that holding pattern of "do I wear the winter coat or not" with the temperatures.

  3. Bonjour,

    Une très belle initiative.
    Je connais un village où les habitants cultivent des fleurs autour des arbres des rues.

    Je vous fais de gros bisous ♡

  4. Not sure if I would be able to do this, but I can always try...
