Thursday, 6 March 2014

Shane Kuhn.

It is not very often we in Stavanger meet an American author, a writer of thrillers who has just started to promote his new book here in Norway !

Shane Kuhn had an audience of readers, booksellers and journalists at the culture house one evening.

Well, I have just started reading the bright YELLOW book, called "Manualen" in Norwegian,
or, "The Intern's Handbook" in English.

It is pooooooooring down with rain outside, nothing better then having a nice warm place and reading something that is written so well that time does not matter.......



  1. A new author for me I will have to read up on him. A fine portrait it is Gunn.

  2. Exactly. We had a rare day of rain today and I was perfectly happy to stay inside and read.

  3. I'm ashamed to say I'd never heard of him. Hope it rains today so that you can finish the book! ;-)

  4. A good book, rain.. you've just described my favourite kind of evening Gunn :)
