Saturday, 19 October 2013

A young man....

Sad to see a young man spending time begging outside the shop today.


  1. I agree but have difficulties to understand it. It must be possible to find work, just don't be picky.

    I had already a university degree and was still studying fro a second one, I had to find a job because I stopped working with my one man firm. I started one week later as a night labourer for a freight distributor. They laughed in that company when I inquired for an administrative job. A few years later I was a Finance Manager with one of their big customers and renegotaited their contract. The world can change, just grab everything you can even the most simple jobs.

    Have courage.


  2. Sorry, I think a young man has no excuses for this behavior.

  3. I think that this young man may be down on his luck, I'm not going to judge him as I haven't walked a mile in his shoes so to speak. Who knows what his story really is unless asked? I honestly don't believe for one second when asked in his youth what he wanted to be when he grew up that the thought of panhandler crossed his mind, not even once. I know if this were one of my children I'd pray to God that someone would reach out a hand, give him a hand up and not a hand out.

  4. Having spent a couple of years documenting the lives of people on the street. Those who have made such harsh judgements in the comments above would do well to be better informed before voicing such judgements. There are many reasons that result in people ending up on the street. In my experience laziness is never one of them.
