Saturday, 11 May 2013

This is Julien.

A 26 year old French physiotherapist, who is probably the most sporty person I have ever met!

So far he has cycled more than 2000 km. from the place he lives, 25 km. south of Geneva.

He arrived this evening with the big ferry from Denmark.

The next 5 weeks he will be cycling all the way up to the North Cape.

So role out the map and take a look.......

That is a very long journey!

You can follow his blog:

For us who don't read French very well, I recommend google translate.

Well Julien, I wish you a really good trip with rich experiences. Have a safe journey.

And to those of you who might wonder if he will cycle back to France....

No, he will return home by plane:)


  1. Good for him. That is a lot of biking.

  2. I will wait for him in Bergen. Best wishes for the rest way.

  3. Some people do and some don't....It is a long way to go.

  4. Good for him. I love people who do things like this! Loved your dog agility yesterday too!

  5. :-) I'm tired just at the thought, lol! But bravo, it's a wonderful thing to do!

  6. The French are tres sportif!
    Not me...I'd rather read a book

  7. wow, thats quite a trip!!
    all by himself?

  8. Quite a man! Have been checking his blog. Have myself been driving by car most of the places that this man visits. And even that has made me very tired. Can´t even imagine how it would do the same trip with bicycle instead of a car....
