Friday, 7 December 2012

We have had some really cold days. Now the snow is melting.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. It's pretty, but I don't like snow. :)

  2. I love snow given the right circumstances! It snowed last night but by the middle of the afternoon, it was all gone...

  3. Very pretty winter scene - our snow has also been disappearing by midday, despite some extremely cold evenings! Have a great weekend too:)

  4. Love the way you composed this...leading the eye up the road. It's a beautiful scene but still looks way too cold! :-)

  5. looks so pretty! no snow here yet...hoping we get some for christmas! have a great weekend :)

  6. Nice photograph, Gunn. I like the way the photo shows the steep incline. I am often frustrated that I can't find ways of getting my camera to show steep uphill and downhill slopes properly.

  7. Beautiful to see the snow. We are having unseasonably warm weather, so no snow for us.

  8. As you know I don't have snow here but when I woke up this morning I couldn't see the other side of the street: there was an intense fog! :-)
