Saturday, 19 May 2012

Why have I never noticed this before?
(Because I never looked up....... )
From my favorite cafe.


  1. It is well worth looking up, Gunn.

  2. Lovely amber hues! Sorry I been so quiet these last couple weeks, I’ve been really ill (now finally diagnosed with Whooping Cough even though I was immunized) and have had another very rough week.

  3. Oh well spotted Gunn, this makes a great image. You're right, it definitely pays to look up now and then!

  4. I love the clump of light bulbs! Easy to miss the lights if you've been focused on good coffee and cake?!
    Hilsen fra Hagen ganget

  5. How very cool! That must cast a wonderful light in the room. Neat image!

  6. Different! And quite unique I think

  7. It is always good to look up. :-)

  8. Amazing what is around us! No wonder it is your favourite cafe Gunn. Bet that it has lots of atmosphere.

  9. It happens... but now you got them!

  10. He, he, pludselig gik der mere end et lys op for dig :)

    Tusinde tak for dine kommentarer på min fotoblog i den snart forgangne uge. Du har nok ret i, at danskere er gode til at hygge sig ved spisebordet, men kontra er vi madsvin - køber ind som var en hungersnød nær, men spiser slet ikke op, næh kasserer uhørt meget. Det er vitterligt pinligt :(

    Du bringer stadig mange fine og informative fotos, og jeg må beklage at mit overskud til at besøge dig m.fl. ikke er som inden at jeg blev ramt af utallige virusangreb sidste år; derfor heller ikke den store aktivitet på min fotoblog.

    Hav det rigtig godt, Gunn, og hyg dig bedst muligt :-D
