Monday, 9 April 2012

The bridge, named "Tanangerbroen" over Hafrsfjord.
Today is a busy day after the Easter break with many people on the roads coming home from the mountains.


  1. This is a lovely composition, Gunn. I like especially how the curve of the rail and bridge leads the eye off to the other side! Nice colors, too!

    Saw an article today that said Norway is considered to be one of the "happiest" countries in the world, along with Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands. Kudos to you!

  2. that is a pretty shot! love the curvature!

    thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! really appreciate it!

  3. Hei Lowell.
    I guess I have heard (or read) that the people in Denmark are more happy then the rest of us, and we in Norway are happier than the people in Sweden....
    Well, I have lived 3 years in Denmark, and I have to say they had a more relaxed attitude and celebrated life more than we do....


  4. Great perspective for this shot! So nice. :)

  5. Love that swooping perspective of the guard rail...

  6. Interesting angle and perspective!
