Saturday, 28 January 2012

Our library at the Culturehouse is selling off old books very very cheap, and I love a bargain, so I might be back for another look soon...
Paresh (the man on the other side of the shelf) might do the same?


  1. Inte dumt att kunna fynda bra böcker :) Bra sätt att återvinna!
    Ha en fin söndag!

  2. Library sales are dangerous! We buy waaaaay too many books. Our oldest son was the worst offender. ;)

  3. Oh how alluring ! Only good that I'm not near, as I probably would buy way too many, as most shelfes in our living-room have already two rows ;)
    Please have a good Sunday you all.

  4. I love old books! I like the way that your portrait has him surrounded by books and he seems to be loving it!

  5. No one can resist a book bargain Gunn, hope you find some good ones!

  6. I love library book sales too. I always walk away with a favorite.

  7. I would have to dematerialize most of my books before any further purchase...
