Thursday, 12 January 2012

More rain.....
Today has been a mixture or rain, snow, hail, sun, & rain...
According to the newspaper, in the last 43 days, only 2 days have been rain free..

In Norway we have to STOP for pedestrians at crossings, and most drivers are pretty good at observing this rule. In some countries I have visited however, cars never seem to stop to let pedestrians cross the road.

People here are so used to cars stopping as they should, that they will just walk onto a crossing without hesitation.
So remember this,- if you are driving here.


  1. It is as I look at a picture of the Netherlands. Rain, wind, a little bit sun.
    Here traffic has to stop for pedestrians too, but it is better to wait before you walk and have a good look. Not everybody is stopping indeed....

  2. Rainy here, too, mixed with snow. My Honey and I travel in many different countries. We have discovered you can be "dead right" in cross walks in many places.

  3. Rainy, yes, but that gave you a good image today. (Keep your camera ready in a dry place!!!)

  4. Nice street picture. Here in MC, we need to run!

  5. Sorry about too much rain. We are lucky to see snow, and not very cold.
    Here new rule of stopping at crosses is announced. Now time needed for drivers to get used to it and still very dangerous for pedestrians.

  6. We could use some rain, our statistics tend to be the inverse of yours...

  7. Good manner you have! I memorize it, Gunn.
