Sunday, 20 November 2011

We only have one Catholic church in Stavanger,
Lots of building activities going on there now.
It is a popular church, and they needed more space.
Today I will show you an archive photo, from what used to be the entrance area.
Perhaps I will be able to take some more photos, when the building work is finished.


  1. Lovely. It's a good time of the year to enjoy church images. I know you have beautiful old Stav churches there, too. :)

  2. A beautiful photo for this Sunday.

  3. I love the Autumn leaves. I am not really much of a church goer, rarely do I go when there is a service but I do love many of the buildings and the thought of the prayer and service that created them.

  4. Beautiful picture, love the light through the leaves...

  5. That's a beautiful photo of Christ with the autumn colors - love the yellows!
