Friday, 18 November 2011

It looks like it is the lion who is breaking the glass on this door, one of the doors into "Hall Toll", a restaurant and bar near the harbor in Stavanger.
But I guess it might have been someone who had a little too much to drink.
A strange coincidence?


VP said...

This is quite common too...

Halcyon said...

I love that fancy lion. He's fierce!

Leif Hagen said...

The RED lion makes me think of a German beer advertisement!
Skal og god helg

Yukinori Katayama said...

How could you find theses kind of interesting things, Gunn?
Good sense and humor and of course good your picture!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well done Gunn, excellent composition, it really does look like the Lion just hit the glass with his hammer! Gosh someone would have had to bash into the glass hard to cause that damage. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Unknown said...

Yes, well spotted , Gunn!

Jeroen said...

Looks like our 'flemish lion'!