Monday, 17 October 2011

Can you see what this artistic statue symbolize?
I will tell you more about it, tomorrow.


  1. Is it fishing? Wow! I am really stumped. Can't wait to find out!

  2. This is not fair, Gunn. I will have to expose my ignorance and lack of creativity. I have no idea at all.

  3. Looks like a very advanced sculpture done by an experienced professional artist!
    It was really fun to see HRH King Harald V and HRH Queen Sonja of Norway during and after yesterday's worship service in Minneapolis! I guess you saw their photo on my blog today....
    Hilsen fra Hagen

  4. It kind of looks like a golden shrimp...but I'm pretty sure that's not it :-)

  5. It good be the sympbol of anything , The Art itself may be ;)

  6. I have already seen this: a friend of mine visited Stavanger twice and took a lot of pictures. I think it is called the 'Shrimp', but it has something to do with sailors and the sea...

  7. You are right VP, it is named "The Shrimp".

    It was made by Arnold Hukeland, back in 1968
    and it is easy to spot, close to the market place and the harbor.
    It is made with seven parts from different ships,
    and it is also a symbol to remember those who have lost their lives at sea.

  8. No idea, but it's really pretty.

  9. Hi Gunn, thanks for your beautiful shots and precious infos! I found your blog while reviewing the pics I took in Stavanger during a short walk off my job (... yes, I was there for work). I quoted your info about "the shrimp" in this picture: . Hope it's no problem...


  10. Good morning from a sunny Stavanger.

    Thanks for your comment, and thanks for the links. I really enjoyed your blog and your artistic photos from Italy, also on Flickr.

    Nice to see my city through the eyes of other photographers too. Welcome back to Stavanger!:)

    Greetings from Gunn
