Monday, 24 October 2011

The boy, who is standing in front of his mum, came over to me and asked if I wanted to support the TV campaign yesterday afternoon.
And of course I did, - just like most people all over Norway.
Take a look at this link:

Well done to the 4 of you, as well as all the others who were working on Sunday, to support this very important case!

Do you have some similar national charity event, where you are living?


  1. Excellent, and quite succesfull, from what I gather on the Wiki page. Well, don't know about Spain, it probably exists as well, but in France we have several telethons, things like this.

  2. Some great causes over the last few years! Here in the UK I guess the biggest is Children in Need run by the BBC each November, Pudsey Bear fronts the campaign and he is from Yorkshire!

  3. Very good! And look at those beautiful smiles!

  4. These guys know what they are doing!

  5. That kid is so cute how could anyone possibly turn him down! :-)

  6. You certainly couldn't resist such a little cherub face as this hey Gunn.

  7. Sometimes I think that we live on different planets. I wish I am wrong and do not know such events here.
