Tuesday, 14 June 2011

We have RAIN !:(

(No, it was not me driving.)


  1. Hahahaha! Finally, some sun for us tomorrow. I can empathize,

  2. Glad to find out that it wasn't you who was driving :D

    Fantastic shot!

    Rule No.1 Even if you are an excellent driver and a photographer, never try both at the same time. :)

  3. Love rain splattered windows, bit of colour showing through, nice shot Gunn.

  4. Nice shot of the rain, makes you feel like you are there. We've been having enough of it here too...looking for the return of sunny days.

  5. It finally stopped here. Nice and almost hot now, 27 degrees this afternoon. But who cares, as I spend most afternoons in my office... Gonna rain this weekend, I just know it.

  6. It is a great photo from inside a car. My photos taken that way don't turn out so well. Thank you for commenting on my grandchild photo.

  7. I was caught in some rain today out riding my bicycle. Funny how cold you can get very quickly in the rain.

  8. I love rain!But is dangerous when you driving a car.
