Sunday, 29 May 2011

I guess you (or I) must be nearly blind, if we don`t see this sign, saying EYE:)

For months I have been struggling with infections, and I have been at this building before, and will have to go back. "Things take time", but yesterday I was lucky to have a doctor who, without me asking, sent a message to this department. So hopefully the new medicine will help for the time being, and the doctors e-mail will get things moving a little faster.

Otherwise I carry my sun glasses, but rain and +11 is not what I call summer.
Anyway, I have had an ok and very relaxed day!
Hope you had the same!


  1. I hope for you the weather will be better in the next weeks?! Have a good start in the new week! Greetings from Berlin:)

  2. Hopefully you will get some sunshine!

  3. Good luck with getting a treatment that works.

  4. Ja vi er meget sårbare ved problemer med øjnene, og generne bliver let store. Som dig håber jeg, at den rette behandling kommer igang snarest, så at når varmen og solen får fat, da bærer du kun solbriller for at undgå lysstrålerne ;-)
    Hav en bedst mulig uge!

  5. I am having my own trouble with my eyes and the sun is already unrelenting here. Too much light is always bad for eyes and photography.
    Take care...

  6. Sorry to hear about eye problems. We had 20 C today.
