Friday, 8 April 2011

I passed this Gentleman, - and somehow I got the feeling that this is something he is doing frequently.
And to everyone; - Have a nice weekend!:)


  1. Such a wonderful photo! Time has stopped for a moment :)
    Have a nice weekend Gunn!
    Ps News! Would you like to join a photo trip to Budapest? Check out:

  2. Very nice. And not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

  3. Beautiful geese, ducks, etc. ...what a nice way to spend time during the day...feeding the birds!

  4. A wonderful portrait of Halvor and his friends!
    God helg

  5. Superb Photo Gunn! I love it to feed the birds too. But my dog Spike love it to hunt the birds. Have a great weekend!

  6. A lovely scene! We have something like this but on the ugly side: a half crazy woman feeds hundreds of vile pigeons near the Central Market. You can only imagine the mess...

  7. This is such a beautiful image, Gunn! Love it.

    P:S: I have the same problem here as VP does in Livorno! :-)

  8. a picture close to poetry !

    (there are various such scenes as the two above over here as well.)

    daily athens

  9. He is a brave man! So often I've started to feed the cute little birds, who are then rapidly joined by big aggressive ones with massive wings! Lovely image though, with great movement.

    Thank you for the very kind comments on my bog - it is much appreciated!

  10. this photo will be always in my mind,you're freeze a moment of life that seems very real.

  11. It seems that way to me too. The birds are acting like they knew him for such long time.
