Thursday, 28 April 2011

Hillevåg is kind of a suburb of Stavanger, only 5 minutes drive from the city centre.

I looked at this wall, and got a feeling that this symbol has to do with communism.
I might be wrong, but anyway, here is some info.


  1. A red star is a nice symbol. It is too bad if it is associated only with Communism. Don't some beers also use a red star in their symbolism? I think Heinekin does.

  2. Thanks Jack, I checked and you are right.
    It is also a symbol by Heineken.

  3. Certainly is a red star. How come Jack knows so much about beer? Make mine a draft. I'll give you a gold star!

  4. We still have a lot of these symbols since Red era.

  5. A five pointed red star was the symbol of the Red Brigades here, but this looks more harmless than that...

  6. It also reminds me of communism. But I like a red star!!!

  7. I bet you are right about the red star, which actually is a beautiful symbol.

  8. I had the same impression from the thumbnail, it reminds me of tee-shirts sold in Berlin. Whatever the symbol, red stars are beautiful!

  9. Having grow-up in former Yugoslavia, the 5-point star always brings thoughts of bravery and fight for freedom by Tito's partizans.
