Thursday, 4 November 2010

More street art.
As yesterday's photo this was also taken near the Stavanger Paintball Arena.
I have never tried paintball, but according to my husband it is great fun!?


  1. to shoot with colour, how peaceful a thought.
    may time and life provide you all with a smile and a good and safe friday as well.

    daily athens

  2. Oh I don't normally like this kind of thing but this is great!

  3. Strenght of graffiti is really amazing. They show the power of the urban voice, the lips of streets.



    [Barcelona Daily Photo]

  4. Hi Gunn, thank you for your comment in my blog.
    I love the reflections and colors in the rainy time to. Today is the 3rd day of raining nonstop in Berlin.

    CDP dont't scan since 2 November the photos from your, my and Leif's Blog and many other. Do you know them? I don't know what is the problem?! Can anybody check this? Ok ...maybe it needs time!

    I'am Artfan and I like your Photo from yesterday. Leif go this weekend to the Artfair in Eagan...

    I wish you a nice and sunny weekend:-)

  5. Fint og litt trist på en gang.

    Ha en fin helg!

  6. Love this image, it's a great composition, Gunn!

  7. A rare streak of nice street art: keep it coming!
