Friday, 1 October 2010

This months theme day is Graffiti.
Sadly, we have plenty of tagging going on which costs a fortune to have removed for house owners, shopkeepers and tax payers.
We also have quite a lot of artistic graffiti (Tagging vs Graffiti).
Some places are officially "allocated" for Graffiti Art, which is pretty controversial for some people, but still, much graffiti can be found all over the city in "non-alocated" places.
Even out in the countryside you will find buildings decorated with Graffiti like this "monument" which seems sadly out of place against the mountains, - or perhaps not ?


  1. In our times it's quite easy to find 'art' attached to things that have nothing to do with it...

  2. I do like some graffiti or rather street art but I don't think this adds to the scene at all. Beautiful countryside and mountains, who needs more?!

    Menton Daily Photo

    Monte Carlo Daily Photo

  3. Too bad to spoil that mountain view!

  4. A worthwhile shot of an example of this unfortunate practice.

  5. Put me in the category of those who do not like it. The garrishness ruins a lovely mountain scene.

  6. I watched an Austin Powers movie today, so there is only one word for this graffiti: GROOVY!

  7. I really like the idea of having specific places for tagging/graffiti artists. We have that in our town.

  8. Looks very remote. Probably the best place to create graffiti without being detected.
