Tuesday, 3 August 2010

They left Stavanger at 5 pm with the cruise ship "Artemis" to see more of Norway, including several fjords and our second biggest city, Bergen.
JANET from Wales, and TIM from England have been living 40 years in Johannesburg / South Africa..... where they are now having winter with the same temperature that we had today, approx +16C.
Anyway, I met them in the park today where they were photographing the Cathedral. They had also had a nice boat trip to Lysefjord, and they had enjoyed waffles and coffee.
Nice to meet them, and I hope they will have a nice trip on the rest of their two week journey that also includes visiting Ireland and Iceland.
(And if they do meet John, do say "hello" from me...)


  1. Ireland, Iceland and Norway seem like a lot of places to see in two weeks!

    16°C sounds like heaven to me. Here it is 30°C and feels like 39°C - too HOT!

  2. This is a beautiful portrait, Gunn! And they look like very nice people. I wish them well on their travels!

  3. I agree. Norway, Iceland and Ireland does cover a lot of geography. I wish I was with them.

  4. fellow camera buffs I see as both are wearing cameras. it is good to meet people who are out being part of life and seeing the world

  5. Sounds like a very tough winter! I'm sure they have enjoyed their visit to Norway.
