Wednesday, 21 July 2010

More "Broken Column".
For further info.and photos please click "labels"


Stefan Jansson said...

That guy sure is lazy! Just standing there all day looking at whatever!

Yukinori Katayama said...

I have felt something everytime I saw this mysterious "statue" on your blog.
Today I remember a piece of painting art!
Edvard Munch!!

gogouci said...

I sure wouldn't want that guy standing outside my window and staring at me all day.

VP said...

In Italy they say that for everyone really working there are a few simply watching him... I see you are providing an Italian flavor to a local workplace.

James Mark said...

Yes, VP, like the municipal workman who crushed a snail under his foot because it had been following him all day. Effective juxtaposition of statue and machinery.

B SQUARED said...

A social comment disguised as a metaphor.

Birdman said...

hahaha! Must be a city worker!

Halcyon said...

Interesting statue.

Unknown said...

Funny! The 'guy' seems to be watching the working men. :-)

SRQ said...

Looks like the statue is a crew supervisor.