Saturday, 24 July 2010

It is the season for weddings, and this couple I saw at Sola beach in the afternoon today.


  1. What a wonderful backdrop for a wedding photo - that sea is so blue. Looks a bit windy though!

  2. Oh yes, that's the perfect place, as long as there isn't too much wind. Do people get married on the beach, or is it just for the photo? Some finnish friends got married in a Park, here in Barcelona

  3. What an elegant photographer they have...

  4. What a great place for a wedding photo shoot! The lady in blue looks very dressy for a photographer :D

  5. I think it was just the men who took the photographs, and the woman in the long blue dress was probably a close friend.
    Most people get married at the registry office or in a church.
    Some years back some priests gave the couple their blessings out in many strange places or even high up in the mountains. I guess today you can invite/pay a person who has the right to do the formal part anywhere. Priests normally work only inside the church. The beach is a popular place for taking wedding photographs, some combine it with a visit to the photographers studio.

  6. Best wishes to the happy couple.

  7. I've been involved in some very different wedding settings but I think it is difficult to take photos on the's hard to get the light right, and there's usually wind and then sand gets in the camera...

    But shots like this, when they work, are very beautiful.
