Thursday, 29 July 2010

The celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay is in Stavanger.
He held a very entartaining show, and 6 lucky people from the audience got to enjoy his famous food......


  1. I don't know this "celebrity" chef but I'm glad that he was able to bring a little fun food to Stavanger.

    Not much rain here right now. We usually get a thundershower or two in the late afternoon, but they've been missing for a couple of weeks. Very hot, though.

  2. Wow! he looks as though he's into it. I'm wondering what those lucky people got to eat - I would loved to have been one of them.obviously a goodly dash of wine was added.
    Dianne xx

  3. I recognised him from the thumbnail, just goes to show that his place in Versailles runs itself!

  4. I thought at first he was some kind of football star with a knack for cuisine...

  5. To be a celebrity chef he has to be very good so I wouldn't mind being one of the lucky 6! :-)

    P.S. I'll send you some sun and you can give me some of your rain, it would have been very useful here this week... :-)
