Friday, 23 April 2010

Another sign of spring...
Farmers living just outside the city do this every year. There is probably a very good reason for it, but I can`t tell you why, not in English nor in Norwegian.
Is the same thing happening where you are living?


  1. Are they burning? I have noticed alot of burning around here. But I don't know why they do it either.

  2. Pretty dramatic photo. It would appear they getting rid of the scraps of last year's crop to prepare the soil for new plantings...

  3. Here it has been raining all the day, so they can't burn anything!

  4. In french, it is called jacheres, they do it to fertilize

  5. Another great take. I'm as green as the field (in the English sense of green with envy).

  6. Yes, I think they do this in UK too - stubble burning. I suppose it prepares the soil for the new crop but it sure makes a lot of smoke!

  7. We stopped burning stubble and straw in UK fields in 1993! In Norway you probably have better things to do than stop farmers burning stubble. The fields seem to be very green so I can't understand quite what they burning.

  8. I can imagine the burning smell...
