Monday, 8 March 2010

"The International Woman`s Day" was the reason why around 400 people turned up at the park to celebrate the day and the 100 years since it first happened in Copenhagen.
There were politicians and union people who talked,- and later the group of people walked around in the streets with banners with very clear messages!
I am living in a country where we have had a female prime minister and have female bishops.
There are things that could have been better, but seriously we have come a long way.
I just hope that things we take for granted will soon be possible for women all over the world.


  1. Looks like a great tradition!

  2. Where this is not possible a holiday wouldn't be enough to change things.

  3. Beautiful Tradition !! nice to know !!

  4. Amen to to your last sentence. MB

  5. I personally support this day.
