Wednesday, 10 March 2010

I was invited to Rogaland Theater tonight.
(I can remember promising myself to go there more often, but I rarely follow it up.)
Tonight we saw " The little shop of HORROR' s". It was colorful, fun, nice music, excellent performance and I was really impressed about the many effects and surprises.

(Thanks for the many amusing comments under yesterdays photo.)


  1. Sounds spooky! (In a fun way)

  2. In fact, you had a "horror-ible" time, right? ;-)

    Nice night shot!

  3. A nice show, and I like Jacob's comment!

  4. a horror theme on March!? i think that's too early! ^0^
    i'm glad you enjoyed it, but i don;t think it's for me, i'm the nervous type, i'm sure i get all freak out! ^0^
    nice post!

  5. I love Little Shop of Horrors. Such a funny play/movie!
