Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Tonight I passed this window, and I got this strange feeling that someone was looking at me.
Well, perhaps not very creative to take a photo of someone else's photo. But I like the way in which they have created this window display, a pretty creative idea.
Just some strange green-yellow-white material to the right that I don't like that much, I think it detracts from the overall effect. The name of the shop is Dick & Daisy.


  1. Looks like a creative frame for that photo.

  2. Interesting shot...and it does look like someone is looking at you...I think it's rather creative!

  3. What a beautiful and great shot. Delightful!

  4. Very creative display, definitely, and so a creative shot you share. A treat to see such effective use of space to draw the viewer or customer in. Have you seen the latest Paris Daily Photo http://www.parisdailyphoto.com post about a ballet shop? You two seem to be on the same wave length tonight:)

  5. OHHHH I love this one. A terrific composition. Bravo.

  6. Yeah, I'm with Virg on this one Gunn. Gorgeous composition!

    And it's been too long since I've caught up on your blog!

  7. I think dislay windows are a fair target because they are changing and we can caught them before they disapper for good. This one is very nice and creative.

  8. 2 very creative minds behind this photo, the window designer's and yours. I agree with you, this yellow green thing is desastrous!

  9. Interesting window, very creative.

  10. Great! Very cool photo indeed!
