Thursday, 14 January 2010

O' HAPPY DAY(S). :-)
This is Liv and her dog Kira.
They have spent hours out on the ice for nearly every day since new year!
We all had fun this afternoon!


  1. Love this. Friends having the BEST time. Love the energy.

  2. Kira looks as though this is a favourite activity

  3. They both look like they are having fun.

  4. Were you skating, too?

    If she's out there every day with her dog that is perhaps the reason she and the dog look so slim and trim!

    Very nice photo, Gunn!

  5. I loiked this photo especially the Dog looking other side !! Well Done.

  6. Great capture, especially if you were skating too, both looks like having lots of fun!

  7. The sun is low, but it is there. Nice shadows and a picture happily showing how ice may be fun for dogs and humans!

  8. It was a great day . It was me skating and l love it .... been doing it since l was a child.
    Had great fun and maybe today as well l will go for a couple of hour. Gunn is taking very god photos. best regards from Liv

  9. I love the dog! He really looks like he's having fun. Nice shot.
