Saturday, 9 January 2010

A kind woman had brought some bread for the birds in the park.....


  1. It's a lovely picture, what's that heart in the tree?

    I could become very unpolite to put it mildly with people who feed the pigeons here...

  2. Hi Gunn,
    I know it is a little bit late...sorry about that! I wish you a happy new year 2010!
    I have some problems with my health so I don't feel free to take pictures for my blog.
    This Year I want start again not every day but I do my best.
    Best regards from a very cold and snowy Berlin

  3. What's with the heart up the tree?

  4. Fascinating photo. I don't much like pigeons, either, but they are nature's little creatures...and I'm sure the lady believes she is doing a good thing.

    The heart in the tree is a special touch, whatever it means.

    Hope that whatever ails you is resolved soon!

  5. I like the framing. The heart (balloon?) adds some eye catching color.

  6. Good! I would not want the birds to go without food!

  7. Love the heart on the tree!
    (I'll let happily starve all those lousy pigeons in the snow!)

  8. A pleasing composition, thanks. No comment about the pigeons - though I clicked to see what the general reaction was!

  9. That's a fun activity to do with kids!

  10. Grace, all the best to you in 2010! Health is more important than other things. Take care.... do not stress with the blog.But when YOU feel for it, then you post something from your BIG city.:-)
    ---- Pigeons. Well, I understand that there are different views on feeding them. That is one of the positive things about the "City Daily Photo" group: We see and do things differently.
    ----The heart..... see the next photo. :-)

  11. Caring for others, whether human or creature is good for our soul.

  12. Lovely photo Gunn. Perfect frame for that red red little heart in the branches...
