Tuesday, 14 July 2009

I just had to stop the car and take THIS photo!
I was driving past beautiful renovated houses and gardens with big old trees and colorful flowers.
Storhaug/Paradis are nice areas to live, but to me it is both sad and irritating to see that some people have so little respect for other peoples property. And yes, seriously, there is an area of town called Paradis ! 
I do like colorful street ART, but I am really annoyed about those who can`t see a clean wall, without putting their "signature" on it.
Imagine all the time and money it takes to get rid of the mess!
We have places where there are free walls specially for people to create colorful and creative graffiti much of which is very nice and artistic.


  1. I'm with you. Defacing property other than your own is not "art," it's criminal behavior as you're stealing value from the owner!

  2. If only that could catch the person(s) and make them clean it up entirely! Hilsen fra Hagen

  3. I agree with you. There's good street art and there's bad, and this is really bad.

  4. I agree, too. These defacers of other people's property have no respect!

  5. I am glad to join the majority opinion about this 'art'.

  6. I'm with you on this one. I felt the same way when viewing a post on Brattleboro Daily Photo a couple days ago. I don't think that a residential area and street art are a match. Street art works in the city setting in planned areas.
